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deriv004 – Various Artists – and…and…and… (Disquiet Junto derivations of The Conjuncts by C. Reider)


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Disquiet Junto is a weekly musical challenge posed by Marc Weidenbaum of the Disquiet website. Hundreds of composers and sound enthusiasts have participated in this project, which is hosted on the SoundCloud platform. The 68th Junto, lasting from April 18th to the 22nd, 2013, was titled ““. The challenge was to remix three tracks from the first release on the Derivative Netlabel, “The Conjuncts“, by C. Reider. Here are some of the instructions given to the artists by Weidenbaum:

“This is a shared-sample project. Create a single new piece of music by employing the selected material (see below) of each the following three tracks. All three were initially released on the new netlabel, and were posted to the Internet with a Creative Commons license encouraging derivative reworking. In fact, the impetus for the label, which was founded by C. Reider, was to draw attention to the intrinsic benefits of allowing for derivative works. Like, this project — one in an ongoing series of netlabel remixes undertaken by the Disquiet Junto — is intended to address the unfortunate popularity of “ND” (i.e., “no derivatives”) licenses among netlabels. Please only use the following material in your piece; you can transform in any way you choose, but do not introduce any new source material:
1: The final 20 seconds of “The Find Beauty, Even in the Mundane”:
2: The first 20 seconds of “Immaterial Girl”:
3: The portion of “Libertarian Entertainment Automaton” that runs from 1:10 to 1:30
Per the spirit of a Creative Commons license allowing derivative work, set your track in a manner that allows for attributed, commerce-free remixing (i.e., a Creative Commons license permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution).”

Upon the arrival of the deadline for the project, 37 artists had chosen to engage the challenge to remix the chosen 60 seconds of “The Conjuncts“. All completed remixes are presented here in a single downloadable package.

Cover art is adapted from the original painting by Anna Guseva.

Tags: electronic, remix, ambient, noise, rhythmic
License: (each track is individually licensed, see above)

This release is free. The way you can pay back the artist is by leaving a comment below. Feedback is important. Tell the artist what you think of the work!


– Find Beauty Even in the Mundane

– Immaterial Girl

– Libertarian Entertainment Automaton